Driftless Area
The Driftless Area is a region in the American Midwest noted mainly for its deeply carved river valleys. While primarily in southwestern Wisconsin, it includes areas of southeastern Minnesota, northeastern Iowa and extreme northwestern Illinois. This region includes elevations ranging from 603 to 1,719 feet and covers an area of 16,203 square miles. This region’s peculiar terrain is due to its having escaped glaciation in the last glacial period.
The term “driftless” indicates a lack of glacial drift, the material left behind by retreating continental glaciers.
Driftless Area Attractions and Resources
Spring Green Chamber of Commerce
Governor Dodge State Park http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/govdodge
Tower Hill State Park http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/towerhill
Folklore Village http://folklorevillage.org
Spring Green Bird City http://www.birdcitywisconsin.org/birdcities/SpringGreenTown.htm
Lower Wisconsin River Way http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/lands/lowerwisconsin
Theatre de l’Ange Fou http://www.angefou.co.uk/whitechurchtheatre.uk
Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society http://www.bachdancinganddynamite.org